Iridology International Iridodiagnostician Degree Program
The registered Iridodiagnostician program is offered to medical doctors or health professionals who can legally diagnose in their practice.
This program explores the continuum of iridodiagnostic research & development ranging from existing iridological principles to current theories , clinical studies and applications.
This program offers integrated research work of several pioneers including Jensen, Vida-Deck, Gunter, Roberts, Bourdiol, Angerer, Velchover and Jausas.
Included in the R.IrD. Program:
The R.IrD. diploma program includes all required learning materials in exception to the optional iriscope. An iriscope is not required for this program although recommended. Students can alternatively use a 4X powered magnifying glass for iris analysis.
Lifetime membership to Iridology Research database. Students will be able to access the world’s largest iridology database of books, abstracts, videos, case study galleries and registration to iridodiagnostic and assessment software including iridology analysis professional.
Learn the various iridodiagnostic assessment tools that can be applied in clinical practice.
Learn specific techniques of iris reading and begin to practice using a magnifying lens, camera systems, digital iriscope systems and software.
Learn how pupil reflexes play a primary role in many neurological diseases.
Understand the similarities and differences between American/Jensen Iridology research and current research accomplished in Europe and Asia.
Understanding the iridodiagnostic significance in detecting a genetically active weakness via the collarette. (autonomic nerve wreath).
Discover how structural, reflex and pigment pathological signs are the most informative iridological signs in regards to the location of certain pathological processes in the body.
Teach how to identify changes of pupil color, dimensions, shape, position, equality and reflector reactions and understand clinical significance of active pathology in the body via the pupil.
Learn how visible changes of conjunctiva vessels, crystalline, cornea can add to iridological conclusions.
Understand the importance of hereditary peculiarities in iris color including toxic and drug dyschromias, pigment spots and their color.
Learn about the numerous variations of iris constitutions and associated sub-types.
Maintain student motivation and activity throughout their course learning process.
Expose the student to the most current Iridological research and developments.
Guide students through complete iris analysis.
Understand the central hypotheses of Iridology.
Be able to demonstrate keen knowledge about Iridology in both historical and contemporary contexts.
Program Modules
Module One – Introduction to Iridology
1: Introduction to Iridology
This first lesson introduces the roots of Iridology going back to findings in Tutankhamen’s tomb toward current technological advancements and clinical study efforts.
2: Clinical Study Approaches
Review of empirical investigations, central hypotheses and statistical concepts in iridology.
3: Iridological Concepts and Screenings
A review of various classes of structural changes in the iris.
4: Terminology
Iridology program terminology and glossary. Learn important terminology applied throughout this program.
5: Ancient Symbols of the Eye
This lesson is presented for individuals who may be fascinated in ancient history of the human eye.
Module Two – Structural, Reflex and Pigment Pathological Signs of the Eye.
Learn how structural, reflex and pigment Pathological signs provide information about the location of the pathological process, and allow, as far as it is possible in iridology to evaluate their mechanism, stage, character and severity.
1: Anatomy of the Eye
This lesson covers anatomical fundamentals, histology and anomalies of the human eye.
2: Lacunae
Learn how lacunae are evaluated by dimension, depth, form, color and location, state of edges, as well as lower edges and angles. Understand their combination with other organs, relationship to the autonomous wreath and topic arrangement are also very important for diagnosis.
3: Topolabile and Topostabile Signs
In Iridology we have to consider the meaning of both topolabile and topostabile signs and how they can place an emphasis on the iris diagnosis.
4: Reflex Signs
Reflex signs are vascular signs in the iris. Vascular signs with radial directions have a phenotypic nature. Learn how vascular signs can be attributed to irritation in the associated organs, which includes congestion.
5: Crypts & Defects
Crypt is a term in Ophthalmology for a very small and dark; often black lacuna. When they are very tiny and darkened they are often referred to as defect signs. Learn more about how defect signs attest to loss of integrity of the iridial surface stroma and genetically determined.
6: Iris Pigmentation
Pigmentation in the iris is an alien pigment of a different color than the original. The basic hue is part of the regulation of the constitution (regulator genes), whereas, alien pigmentation is of patho-physiological origin. This lesson helps differentiate the inherited genetic and patho-physiological pigmentation that can occur in the iris.
7: Transversals
Transversals are most important focus signs in the iris. Discover how “true transversal’s” can indicate an inclination toward geopathic stress, inflammation, injury, irritation, pain and metabolic tissue degeneration.
8: Relief of the Iris Surface
An iris relief is the profile of the iris surface, which is never flat or plain but a continuity of prominence’s and depressions. Evaluating the iris relief gives us an opportunity to examine reserve and self-protecting capacities of the organism.
9: The Collarette
The collarette (autonomic nerve wreath) is one of the most important landmarks that an iridologist will analyze. important Learn how the collarette serves as an important landmark for the gastrointestinal system and the autonomic nervous system.
10: Toxic Dystrophic Changes of the Iris
Learn about toxic dystrophic changes of the iris including “toxic radii,” “white radii,” “slagging ,” “dystrophic rim ,” “lymphatic rosary” and “senile arc.” It is believed that disturbances of the dissimulation processes and functions of the five excretory systems (lungs, bowel, kidney, skin, lymphatic system) are the underlying origin and the importance of these signs.
11: Heterochromias – Dyschromias – Pathochromias
Heterochromias are a type of dyschromia, which can be complete (true and false) and partial (inner/central and sector). Learn how internal (or central) heterochromia is characterized by the difference of color between the pupillary and ciliary belts with types of representations.
12: Adaptive Rings and Arcs
Ophthalmologists consider contraction rings to be simple folds of the iris, and explain their origin by the workings of the neuro-motor apparatus of the eye, contraction, and dilation of the superficial layers of the iris. However, iridologists think that some other factors should be taken into consideration. Learn how the emotional state of the individual can be understood via adaptive rings.
13: Axis Signs
Axis signs consist of a group of markers consisting of lacuna, crypts, radial furrows, pigment and collarette signs found in specific locations in the eye and are attached to the collarette, Understand how particular axis signs can add to iridological conclusion.
14: Conjunctiva Indicators (bulbar conjunctiva)
Evaluating the bulbar conjunctiva does not duplicate the iridodiagnostic examination but gives entirely new information, or can add to the results of iridodiagnostics. In this lesson, learn why analysis of the bulbar conjunctiva can be utilized for additional iridological assessment.
Module Three – The Pupils
Students need to understand how they provide the information about the location of the pathological process, and allow, as far as it is possible in iridology to evaluate their mechanism, stage, character and severity. This module is based upon structural, reflex and pigment pathological signs in the iris.
1: The Pupils
The pupil tonus is represented via the ventral and autonomic nervous system. Pupil reflexes play the primary role in making a diagnosis of many neurological diseases. This lesson covers why changes in the pupil of color, dimensions, shape, position of center, equality and reflector reactions all have clinical significance.
2: Pupil Deformations
Pupil deformation, in most cases, is associated with local diseases of the iris. But such deviations can also take place in the dysfunction of the innervation components of the pupilomotor system. Understand why it is necessary to state the difference between the deformation as a consequence of the dystrophic processes, caused by a local disease, and the dystrophy, developed reflexively as a consequence of diseases of internal organs and the central nervous system.
3: Pupil Decentrations
In a normal state, the pupils are situated in the center of the iris or are slightly shifted inwards and downwards. Learn how shifts in pupillary locations can show interactions between the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the pupil-motor system.
4: The Pupillary Margin
The pupillary margin is the inner edge of the iris, formed by pigment ectodermal epithelium, resembling the peculiar pigment necklace. Learn how to distinguish six main types of pupillary margin signs and.why four specific types can involve certain pathological states.
Module Four – Constitutional Classification Via the Eye
Learn the three main constitutional categories (Lymphatic, Haemotogenic and Biliary/Mixed) including numerous “sub-types” and “syndromes” in order to include commonly observed variations in physiological functions and expose specific kinds of pathological processes that may occur in an individual.
1: The Lymphatic Constitution and Sub-Types.
2: The Classic Biliary Constitution and Sub-Types
3: The Haematogenic Constitution.
4: Pathological Constitutions and Predispositions.
5: Understanding Constitutional Syndromes.
6: The Three Pre-Cancerous Constitutions According to Broy.
7: Specific homeopathic guide for elements used in “Constitutional Modification” research and development.
Module Five – Iridology Examination Procedures
This lesson is based upon the fundamentals of iris examination techniques, devices for iridological examination, Iridological charts and expert evaluation of iris signs.
1: Examination Procedures.
An iridodiagnostic conclusion is made according to the appearance of the iris and its signs, thereby basing iridodiagnostic methods on the visual examination of the iris. This lesson discusses various aspects of iridological examination procedures required for accurate assessment.
2: Iridological Charts
One of the most debatable questions in iridoreflexology is the large number of iris projection charts. In this lesson, you will learn about various stages of iridology chart development.
3: Iridology Assessment Software
A guide to installing and importing eye images into Iridology assessment software included in this program.
4: Iridology Software Assessment
Outline of Iridology software assessment sections.
5: Glossary to Iridological Assessment Results
A review of terminology and assessment results available in the iridology software.
6: Assessment Tools
Review various iridological system tools that can be applied in practice.